As part of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) please find below to all our customers and suppliers to inform you of any data we hold about you.

We will keep your data secure and only store it for as long as necessary for the purposes of our current trading activities with your company, once the data is no longer required we will destroy it securely. Your data will be stored either on paper or digital format and only accessed by persons authorized to do so. The information we hold may contain the following:

The data we hold about you is your data, should you wish to view any of this data please let us know and we will provide it to you securely within 30 days.

We do not share data with any other persons or organisation without your prior consent.

If you do not wish us to send you emails in the future for any reason then please reply to this mail so we can update our records. If we do not hear from you then we will presume that you have no objections to our retaining the current information we both hold and control for you on our database.

Many thanks